Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011


Thanks God its Friday! Finally i can blogging again, oh Damn It Exam! >( it Sucks! 5 days exam like a 5 year (terlalu lebay yah, mehehehh) Nah, jadi kemaren itu mid test, sekarang sih Yah Allhamdullillah sesuatu banget gitu~ udah selesai, Tapi entah kenapa banyak cobaannya yeh =_='a jadi kemaren tuh asma kambuh lagi tapi pas hari selasa mah biasa aja sih tapi pas hari rabu makin parah, rencananya sih gak mau masuk tapi berhubung itu pelajaran matematika! MATEMATIKA!!(diulang biar tegang gitu) *disambit bakiak* yah terpaksa masuk deh huks.. dengan berbekal otak dan paru-paru yang memadai, bekerja(sama)lah me dan seisi kelas, huehehehe, terus pulang sekolah langsung ke dokter deh, agak lumayan pas ke dokter (tapi koit pas lewatin dokter gigi *loh #abaikan) Keesokan harinya, lumayan lah agak mendingan, oiya biasanya kan orang sakit itu tiduran sambilmembawaharapanhidup *dicaplok sendal jepit* lain halnya dengan me,berhubung masuk siang jadi bisa nonton Narto Syarippudin (RASENGAN!!!!) err.. Naruto Shippuden maksudnyeh tehee..jadi pas bagian Minato alias Yondaime Hokage, me teriak-teriak sampe tepar bahkan kayang(?) mbak udah ngamuk-ngamuk nyuruh istirahat tapi malah makin membiadab(?) maklum lah mbak.. namanya juga otaku U,U emang  sih me bukannya istirahat malah fangirling sendiri..

Maa~ Lanjut besok yaa~ Jaa ne~~

Btw, Otanjoubi Omedetou for Tsunayoshi Sawada-kun and Reborn-san from Katekyo Hitman Reborn~~ XDD

See ya!

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Problem.. again..

Roleplay.. pas pertama kali daftar jadi KHR Roleplay di facebook sih seneng banget, susah gak susah juga sih daftarnya, pertama main jadi mun byakuran sih banyak salah, aku sih masih maklum soalnya emang baru pertama kali, cuman lama-lama gak enak juga sama senpai-senpai nya, aarrggghhh.. saat itu aku berpikir "Kenapa aku gak bisa sebagus mun yang lain?" dan gak akan berubah kalo bilang maaf dengan alasan tingkatan atau umur! "Harus! Harus!" itu yang terpikir, berpikir, berpikir, dan berpikir lagi, Oh! Damn it! gak merubah apa-apa. Saat itu jadi males banget ke twitter, blogging lah akhirnya, terus, lagi blogging kesambet apa tau, tiba-tiba otak bilang "Past! In The Past!" masa lalu? yap, masa lalu "Learn from mistakes" kata pepatah, search search search dan akhirnya ketemu kesalahan-kesalahan aku masa lalu, selama proses itu, aku coba gak RP dulu, tapi tetep aja gagal menurut aku, saat itu juga mungkin aku lari dari masalah karena saat itu ceritanya byakkun lagi pergi ke jepang, pertamanya sih emang aku tau alasannya, tapi pas dipikir lagi kayaknya gak guna, ngapain coba! tuh kesalahan lagi kan! terus gak rp deh beberapa hari, cuma kata Maaf, Gomenasai, punten, atau apalah itu yang ada di otak. hmph.. gak berguna juga bilang maaf terus tapi tetep aja kesalahannya diulang-ulang terus, dan ngapain juga minta maaf kalo gitu ceritanya. Dan sekarang aku pikir lagi kayaknya aku gak pantes untuk mainin karakter coretsemecoret , dan mungkin mau drop byakuran dan ganti muse lain, tapi gak bisa karena ngerasa gak enak banget, nabo (temen sesama otaku) dari i-pin ganti shouichii gara2 ada byakuran, vashya (temen otaku) minjem bluebell, andhira (temen juga) dari fuuta jadi spanner, dan peto-senpai minjem muse kikyo, ahhh, coba aja kalo misalnya aku ganti muse, pasti ngerasa bersalah banget, jadi yah terpaksa lanjutkan! seperti kata SBY, belajar belajar lagi dan gagal lagi dan juga setelah baca ulang post ini ternyata GUE SANGAT PESIMIS!!! PESIMIS SODARA-SODARA!!! yahh..pokoknya gitu lah.. masih diusahakan, pokoknya kalo ada hasil ntar posting lagi babaayy~~~

Rabu, 28 September 2011

The Story Of Evil [Vocaloid]

 -A Fierce Princess-

    Once upon a time there was a kingdom. A wise king who built the kingdom in his lifetime was taken with illness and a queen of the sweet voice, who was his wife, ruled the land instead of him. She governed for the betterment of people, rather better than him, and the kingdom enjoyed prosperity. Although her reign continued after his death, she suffered from the same affliction and passed away. The one left behind was her "only daughter", who was brought up in comfort, having great-flamboyant furniture, a beautiful and fine horse, and a servant who looked like her and was willing to do whatever she wanted. She took her mother's place and reigned over the kingdom. However, her dominion was far from good. She imposed heavy taxes on the people and purged the ones who did not abide by her orders. Gradually people came to call the country as "the kingdom of evil and cruelty" and the princess as "daughter of evil".

-A Mighty Famine Strikes- 

     Substantially "daughter of evil" was at the position of a queen, however, out of deference to her mother the queen she decided she would rule the kingdom as a princess and would not take over the throne until she came of age. One day, a mighty famine suddenly struck the kingdom and many people lost their lives for hunger except some haves. Some lieges told her how people were impoverished and offered their opinions to provide relief for them, but she just said, "If they don’t have bread, they had better eat cake!"

-A Feud Between A Swordswoman And The Princess-

   Since then, there was no one who offered one’s opinion to the princess except a loyal subject who had served since her mother’s period of rule. He was called "a commander of royal guards who has a name of lion". He was the only man that remonstrated with her and offered counsel to her to help the people. He was also a hero who had saved the kingdom before and still hold on power. Finally he and lieges who supported him unilaterally made a decision to save the people from hunger. The princess got angry because the meals at the royal palace became meager and the things went on behind her back. One night, she had the commander to come to her own room in the palace. On the next morning, there was his dead body at a riverside on the fringe of the kingdom and beside it "the servant who looked like the princess" was standing. He said, "No one can disobey her now". Few hours later, "a girl in red clothes" dissolved in tears by the dead body. She secretly vowed revenge against the princess for her father.

-Jealousy And A War-

  The fierce princess was in love with "a man of blue", who was a prince of a kingdom accross the sea. She sent out her liege to propose marriage, however, he replied "I have the one whom I love in the land of green. So I cannot marry you." The princess got furious with jealousy and thought to kill "the woman of green" whom he loved, but she did not know who she was. One day, she called away a minister and ordered in a quiet voice; "If you cannot find out the woman of green, destroy all the land of green". The war between two counties broke out overnight. Many houses were burnt and many people lost their lives. People suffered and mourned, however, the princess would not know it and kept living in the palace with grace as always; "Oh, it’s time for a snack"

-What Happened To Blue And Green- 

   Pathetically, the land of green was destroyed. However, the woman of green was still alive because "the servant who looked like the princess" had hidden her in a well, which had protected her from fires. He was also in love with her. He was thinking that since the princess did not know the woman's face, it would be better to take her to where "the man of blue" was after things were settled down and the princess would not try to destroy the kingdom where the one whom she loved lived. One day the princess handed over a small glass bottle to the servant. When the princess wanted to ask something important to him, she always did that way without saying directly and orally. It had become a habit since the servant had told her a legend. And what was written on a parchment which he took out of the bottle was "Liquidate her". "The man of blue" found the one whom he loved had become dead and cold in the well. He secretly vowed revenge against the princess.

-A Rebellion-

  The people abruptly rose in rebellion against the princess of evil. They were led by "a swordswoman in a red armor" and "a man with a mask and blue hair". The anger of "the woman of red", "the man of blue" and the people covered the entire kingdom and the rebellious troops defeated the royal army which had severalfold men under. Fortunately for the troops that the army was impoverished by the recent war, they surrounded the royal palace, and all the ministers and servants ran away. The one left behind was pretty, lily and cruel "daughter of evil". When she was almost captured, she shouted "You, insolent fellow!". The princess was arrested at last and that was the end of the kingdom.

-The Last Moment-

 The execution of the princess was decided to be conducted on 3 o’clock in the afternoon when bells of the church would ring. "She" was put in a jail and no one knew what "she" was thinking. People gathered to a square where a guillotine was ready. The bells of the church rang and a blade fell. The last words "she" said was neither words of begging for "her" life nor apologizing to people, but "her" favorite phrase; "Oh, it’s time for a snack". The execution was conducted, and everyone thought "the daughter of evil" was dead and everything was over.


  Few days after the execution a rumor circulated, which told that the one who had been killed on that day was a scapegoat and the princess was still alive. In a town, at a harbor, the one who stood, hiding oneself from prying eyes, was the servant who looked like the princess; "I’m sorry…Len". This is a story of once upon a time.